Fuafua  poʻo    Language:

Rochelle Leahy

Igoa ma faaiu Rochelle Leahy. Uiga o le igoa muamua, tupuaga, tulaga ogatasi o le igoa ma le faaiu Rochelle Leahy. auaunaga i le initoneti atoa.

Rochelle Leahy uiga

Rochelle Leahy o lona uiga: aotelega auiliiliga o le uiga o le suafa Rochelle ma faaiu Leahy.


Rochelle uiga o le suafa

Uiga o le uluai igoa Rochelle. O le a le igoa muamua Rochelle uiga?


Leahy uiga o faaiu

Uiga faaiu o Leahy. O le a le faaiu Leahy uiga?


Ogatasi o Rochelle ma Leahy

Ogatasi o faaiu Leahy ma igoa Rochelle.


Rochelle ogatasi ma surnames

Rochelle suega ogatasi igoa ma surnames.


Leahy ogatasi ma igoa

Leahy suega ogatasi faaiu i le igoa.


Rochelle ogatasi ma isi igoa

Rochelle ogatasi suega ma isi igoa muamua.


Leahy ogatasi ma isi surnames

Leahy suega ogatasi ma isi surnames.


Lisi o surnames ma igoa Rochelle

Sili ona surnames taatele ma masani i igoa Rochelle.


Igoa e aumai faatasi Leahy

Igoa taatele ma masani ma faaiu Leahy.


Rochelle amataga o le igoa muamua

Amataga o muamua igoa Rochelle.


Rochelle faamatalaga igoa muamua

O lenei igoa muamua i isi gagana, sipelaga ma faaleoga variants, variants fafine ma tane o muamua igoa Rochelle.


Rochelle uiga igoa sili: Volatile, Foafoa, Faauo, Toaga, Lē ma vāloia. Aumai Rochelle uiga o le suafa.

Leahy uiga faaiu sili: Lē ma vāloia, Matuia, Gauai, Agavaa, Volatile. Aumai Leahy uiga o faaiu.

Rochelle amataga o le igoa muamua. From the name of the French city La Rochelle, meaning "little rock". It first became commonly used as a given name in America in the 1930s, probably due to the fame of actress Rochelle Hudson (1914-1972) and because of the similarity to the name Rachel. Aumai Rochelle amataga o le igoa muamua.

Surnames taatele ma igoa Rochelle: Riopelle, Ganous, Vissman, Coltey, Dichristopher. Aumai Lisi o surnames ma igoa Rochelle.

O le tele o igoa tutusa ai ma faaiu Leahy: Trish, Shell, Sebastian, Chatel, Isabel, Isabèl, Sebastián. Aumai Igoa e aumai faatasi Leahy.

Ogatasi o Rochelle ma Leahy o 76%. Aumai Ogatasi o Rochelle ma Leahy.