Fuafua  poʻo    Language:

Roland Cephas

Igoa ma faaiu Roland Cephas. Uiga o le igoa muamua, tupuaga, tulaga ogatasi o le igoa ma le faaiu Roland Cephas. auaunaga i le initoneti atoa.

Roland Cephas uiga

Roland Cephas o lona uiga: aotelega auiliiliga o le uiga o le suafa Roland ma faaiu Cephas.


Roland uiga o le suafa

Uiga o le uluai igoa Roland. O le a le igoa muamua Roland uiga?


Cephas uiga o faaiu

Uiga faaiu o Cephas. O le a le faaiu Cephas uiga?


Ogatasi o Roland ma Cephas

Ogatasi o faaiu Cephas ma igoa Roland.


Roland ogatasi ma surnames

Roland suega ogatasi igoa ma surnames.


Cephas ogatasi ma igoa

Cephas suega ogatasi faaiu i le igoa.


Roland ogatasi ma isi igoa

Roland ogatasi suega ma isi igoa muamua.


Cephas ogatasi ma isi surnames

Cephas suega ogatasi ma isi surnames.


Lisi o surnames ma igoa Roland

Sili ona surnames taatele ma masani i igoa Roland.


Igoa e aumai faatasi Cephas

Igoa taatele ma masani ma faaiu Cephas.


Roland amataga o le igoa muamua

Amataga o muamua igoa Roland.


Roland faamatalaga igoa muamua

O lenei igoa muamua i isi gagana, sipelaga ma faaleoga variants, variants fafine ma tane o muamua igoa Roland.


Nicknames mo Roland

Roland igoa diminutive.


E faapefea e faalauiloa Roland

E faapefea ona e faaleo Roland i atunuu ma gagana eseese?


Roland i isi gagana

Aoao pe faapefea igoa muamua Roland tutusa ma igoa muamua i se isi gagana i se isi atunuu.


Roland uiga igoa sili: Matuia, Agavaa, Laki, Foafoa, Fiafia. Aumai Roland uiga o le suafa.

Cephas uiga faaiu sili: Foafoa, Lē ma vāloia, Volatile, Gauai, Matuia. Aumai Cephas uiga o faaiu.

Roland amataga o le igoa muamua. From the Germanic elements hrod meaning "fame" and land meaning "land", though some theories hold that the second element was originally nand meaning "brave" Aumai Roland amataga o le igoa muamua.

Roland igoa diminutives: Roel, Roly. Aumai Nicknames mo Roland.

E tusitusiga po o le auala e faalauiloa le igoa muamua Roland: RO-lənd (i le gagana Peretania), ro-LAWN (i Farani), RO-lawnd (i Hungarian). E faapefea e faalauiloa Roland.

Igoa tutusa mo Roland i atunuu ma gagana eseese: Hrodland, Orlando, Rolan, Rolando, Roldán, Roldão. Aumai Roland i isi gagana.

Surnames taatele ma igoa Roland: Molzahn, Meinders, Geaton, Lingardo, Starich. Aumai Lisi o surnames ma igoa Roland.

O le tele o igoa tutusa ai ma faaiu Cephas: Jackwin, Roland, Jackie, Clark, Fidela. Aumai Igoa e aumai faatasi Cephas.

Ogatasi o Roland ma Cephas o 73%. Aumai Ogatasi o Roland ma Cephas.

Roland Cephas igoa ma surnames faapena

Roland Cephas Roel Cephas Roly Cephas Hrodland Cephas Orlando Cephas Rolan Cephas Rolando Cephas Roldán Cephas Roldão Cephas