Fuafua  poʻo    Language:

Yolanda faamatalaga igoa muamua

Yolanda igoa faamatalaga e faapea: lenei igoa i isi gagana, sipelaga ma faaleoga variants, variants fafine ma tane o igoa muamua Yolanda.

Faamatala Yolanda

From the medieval French name Yolande, which was possibly a form of the name Violante, which was itself a derivative of Latin viola "violet". Alternatively it could be of Germanic origin.

This name was borne by a 12th-century empress of the Latin Empire in Constantinople, who was originally from Flanders. It was also used by her descendants in the royal families of Hungary (spelled Jolánta) and Spain (sometimes spelled Violante). The Blessed Yolanda of Poland was a daughter of Béla IV of Hungary who married a Polish duke. Another notable bearer was a 13th-century countess of Vianden in Luxembourg who joined a convent against her parents' wishes, later becoming the subject of medieval legend.

O Yolanda se igoa teine?

Ioe, igoa Yolanda ua itupa tamaitai.

O fea e igoa muamua Yolanda o mai ai?

Igoa Yolanda taatele i Sipaniolo, Igilisi.

Yolanda variants igoa

Iloilo lou igoa ma faaiu. O Free!

Lou igoa:
Lou faaiu:
Ia maua le auiliiliga

Atili e uiga i se igoa muamua Yolanda

Yolanda uiga o le suafa

O le a le Yolanda uiga? Uiga o le suafa Yolanda.


Yolanda amataga o se igoa muamua

O fea na igoa Yolanda o mai ai? Amataga o muamua igoa Yolanda.


Yolanda faamatalaga igoa muamua

O lenei igoa muamua i isi gagana, sipelaga ma faaleoga variants, variants fafine ma tane o muamua igoa Yolanda.


Yolanda i isi gagana

Aoao pe faapefea igoa muamua Yolanda tutusa ma igoa muamua i se isi gagana i se isi atunuu.


E faapefea e faalauiloa Yolanda

E faapefea ona e faaleo Yolanda? Auala eseese e faalauiloa Yolanda. Faaleoga o Yolanda


Yolanda ogatasi ma surnames

Yolanda ogatasi tofotofoga ma surnames.


Yolanda ogatasi ma isi igoa

Yolanda ogatasi suega ma isi igoa.


Lisi o surnames ma igoa Yolanda

Lisi o surnames ma igoa Yolanda